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Changes for the Tyrone game / Championship?

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How could Terry strengthen the team if everyone was available? What's our best 15?

If Rory Dunne came back as full-back where would you play Killian and who would you drop?
Would McEnroe now get into the side?
Should Keating replace Argue at FF?
I assume SJ will be back at CF for the game.

Lovely selection problems for Terry and Co. if everyone was back. We have a great squad but it's a really struggle to pick our best 15 so can't imagine the problems the selectors have.

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 04/04/2016 11:20:20    1841418


McDermott is missed from the left footed Freed. Martin Reilly doesn't help himself trying to take every free with the outside of the foot. They only come off every so often

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2216 - 04/04/2016 12:48:09    1841514


Freetaking is a problem but I'm not sure if the tools are there to fix it. From the left we aren't too bad with Johnston/Jack and Galligan but I'd rather see one freetaker as opposed to it being done on a 'range' basis. From the left, Martin Reilly isn't consistent enough, neither is Gearoid. McDermott is the answer and he's no slouch from open play but who do you drop for him?

Personally I'd have Rory Dunne full back and Killian Clarke centre back with Moynagh missing out but perhaps losing his ability to pick a pass could hamper our counter attacking?
Other than that, I'd have Johnston back in starting at Corner Forward and have McEnroe and Feargal Flanagan and Tom Hayes in the 26 for match day. No other changes required.

JonSmith (Cavan) - Posts: 1451 - 04/04/2016 13:32:58    1841546


Anyone at the game will have noticed that K Clarke spent very little time in the full back line yesterday. From what I've seen Rory Dunne is not quite up to the pace just yet, so I would not have him starting. McDermott for Argue perhaps is one change that could happen, particularly with frees in mind. Overall though its hard to see where changes are needed but its great that Keating/Murray and the likes are all performing when given then chance.

fxhvg (Cavan) - Posts: 38 - 04/04/2016 13:47:14    1841554


R Galligan
P Faulkner , R Dunne, J McLoughlin
K Brady , C Moynagh , C Brady
T Corr , K Clarke
D McVeety , G McKiernan , M Reilly
E Keating D Givney, S Johnston
Subs: N Murray,Argue , J Brady , C Mackey, Mcdermott, Hayes, Hayes, McEnroe, Conroy, ....etc etc

for me Mackey, Flanagan, McDermott are now bench .... my only doubts are M Reilly ...possibly vunerable

DD10 (Cavan) - Posts: 130 - 04/04/2016 14:19:41    1841577


For me i think Rory will be back into the team , off the pace yet, but one of the best full backs we had in years, k Clarke what can you say class , shocking pace will do harm to teams further out possibly one of the wing back position s too classy to have getting abuse in midfield, mossy and liam doing grand there.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 743 - 04/04/2016 14:41:36    1841588


I think the team will not change much maybe Argue dropped. Strong everywhere else.Dunne will be a good addition but a fair bit of match fitness and the pace from what I seen Sunday. Can't believe some here are questioning M. Reilly. Great half forward with brilliant engine like McVeety. Think Reilly is letting in the ball much more theses days to. He turned that ball over for Givney's goal and picked out Givney with cross field balls and was very direct in first half. Reilly does the simple things well and covers serious ground, vital to the team. One of the first on the team sheet in my opinion. I do however agree with frees, inconsistent and not keen on his technique very difficult to perfect from the ground

Jim_Shorts (Cavan) - Posts: 92 - 04/04/2016 19:54:57    1841792


Cavan have fine footballers and it's great to see them make progress. It's also nice to see Seanie going well. Kildare messed him around and any time he played he was excellent, showed a great attitude, despite playing in a poor side.

Daith (Kildare) - Posts: 1126 - 04/04/2016 20:13:09    1841796


Rory Dunne would be in my team. A lot of time before Armagh game to get into speed. Move Killian Clarke midfield and drop Buchannan although he has done nothing wrong. I'd also have Niall Murray in for Killian Brady. Keating in for Argue if he gets up to full speed. McDermot would be straight on if there any Hail Mary shots. Lots of good players are going to be disappointed but that's the nature of having a good panel and managers have to make these calls. Nice headaches to have.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 04/04/2016 20:21:37    1841798


Can anyone see Mc Enroe getting a run at all?

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 04/04/2016 20:47:58    1841814


Keating, Givney and Johnston on top form is a frightening full forward line

Jim_Shorts (Cavan) - Posts: 92 - 04/04/2016 21:01:20    1841821


He would be in the team fully fit. He hasn't appeared yet so hard to know where is fitness is at., not long since he rejoined the panel.. A very solid player to bring in.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2216 - 04/04/2016 21:14:49    1841833


Great game and great result yesterday - it was worth getting wet for. Congrats to Terry and his backroom team. The team has improved beyond belief since last year. Cant understand why people want to change the team around. If its not broken no need to fix it. Personally I would keep Kilian Clarke full back - he can still attack from there - the game has changed so much you dont need a full back that doesnt venture outside the 20 metre line. He s such an athlete he can develop that position. Also Rory Dunne has shown nothing since his comeback - thought he was very poor when he came on yesterday . Also why suggest dropping Buchannon and Argue - two big physical players who can play football - we were crying out for players like that this last couple of years. Ok Argue hadnt one of his better games yesterday but he s a hell of a player in better ground conditions which hopefully we ll have plenty of later on in the year. By the way it must be some sort of record - the 20 players who played for Cavan yesterday from 20 different clubs !!

tenyearplan (Cavan) - Posts: 130 - 04/04/2016 21:44:13    1841856


I agree with some of the other comments. I thought Martin Reilly had a great first half and must have covered every blade of grass on a very heavy pitch. He tired noticeably in the second half and if I was nit picking maybe the side line could have pulled him about 5 minutes earlier. With the type of game he plays there is no way he will keep that up for 70 mins and Mackey coming in for him offers fresh legs and gives us that same edge.
Thought Cavan was by far the better team and the Galway goal was a little fortuitious with the ball coming back into play off the cross bar when clearly he was going for a fisted point.

I know someone will criticise me for making this call but I do think we need to get Rory Dunne back into the full back line only I would move Killian Clarke to corner back. I know this means either Faulkner or McLoughlin would get the hook after doing nothing wrong but this is where we're at, trying to build a team that will genuinely mix it with the big boys.

It would allow him to play the Philly McMahon type role for Cavan with his runs forward and also give us the benefit of his defensive qualities. We did concede 1-12 yesterday and going forward we need to tighten up a little. I agree Niall Murray should come back into the half back line for Killian Brady. Seanie Johnston will come back in for Jack Brady when fit. I would continue with Michael Argue. Yes he is still raw and far from the finished article but he is young and a big man and shows glimpses of serious potential.

Joebe (Cavan) - Posts: 72 - 04/04/2016 21:46:44    1841859


Clarke... corner back...madness
we need him involved as much as possible.... and I my view in a position to fully exploit his ball playing and athleticism

I dont like how Mackey or Reilly tend to hold the ball up or take it into tackles.... think the style and football in general has moved on from that
I never understand the attraction to McDermott... can I remember when I saw him and he looked like where we want to go ?

DD10 (Cavan) - Posts: 130 - 05/04/2016 09:27:33    1841897


Would anyone play Killian Clarke as a 3rd midfielder with a licence to go back and forwards in a ball carrying role.?

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 05/04/2016 11:20:03    1841981



he is potentially a difference maker...if we use him in the right way .... and in a way that suits the modern game and our game plan

in the middle third....where he can cover ground, get on the ball link play etc win direct ball

DD10 (Cavan) - Posts: 130 - 05/04/2016 12:12:39    1842034


We can't go changing the full back now . We've have done that too many times down through the league . In fact the whole 6 back as playing well as a unit .

Awwwwnow (Cavan) - Posts: 1050 - 05/04/2016 12:48:59    1842061


Yeah they are playing solid enough in defence. Faulkner very impressive in his first season with the seniors,carrying on from his u21 performances. He probaly would have part of the championship panel last summer only for going to the US. Buchanan also.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2216 - 05/04/2016 13:02:51    1842071


Right now why fix it if it's not broken. If Rory Dunne gets back to full fitness I am sure the management will have thought about this for he play's in a different position for his club. He is a good all round player so good to have him as an attack back.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4565 - 05/04/2016 13:06:26    1842077
